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Síndrome de Burnout | Gattaz - Health & Results


Burnout Syndrome is a psychic disorder defined as a state of physical and mental exhaustion the cause of which is intimately linked with work.  Burnout Syndrome also known as Professional Exhaustion Syndrome, was given this name by the New York psychoanalyst Herbert Freudenberger, after he diagnosed the condition in himself at the beginning of the 1970s.

In addition to exhaustion and the sensation of constant fatigue, other symptoms are generalized physical complaints such as migraines, muscular tension, irritability and intolerance, insomnia, lack of interest in work, lack of concentration and low self-esteem.

An exaggerated dedication to professional activity, extreme ambition and the desire to be the best and to stand out at work, in detriment of other aspects of one’s personal life are some characteristics that may lead to Burnout Syndrome.

Initially studied as a disorder that mainly affected professionals in healthcare and other people-oriented services, today it is known that burnout may affect people in different professions.

Burnout and depression are essentially similar.  A key distinction between the two diseases is that in depression the physical and mental exhaustion occurs in all areas of the patient’s life, while burnout predominantly affects work. This means that the person may be happy and productive in other areas of their life.